Hip Dysplasia

Hip Dysplasia



This condition affects the 'ball and socket' joint of the hip. The term covers a number of conditions that simply put mean that the 'ball' part of the large bone does not sit correctly in the 'socket' on the pelvis. This can happen for a variety of reasons including the 'socket' being too shallow, the 'ball' being mishappen or the muscles, ligaments and tendons being too  'stretchy' and therefore not supporting the joint.

Hip Dysplasia can lead to loss of muscle tone and Osteoarthritis. It is important to keep the surrounding muscles strong to provide support for joints.

Benefits of Massage...

  • Decreases pain

  • Relieves compensatory muscle tension

  • Relieves soreness

  • Helps strength the supporting muscles

  • Helps mobility

  • Helps flexibility

  • Reduces inflammation around the joint